b'MAGGIE GREENESTUDIO WORKM AG G I E G R E E N EWATERCOLORIST mgreene@honigman.com313-319-9474Maggie grew up in a family of artists and always assumed that making art is something everyone does. However, she didnt focus on her own art-making until she had an unexpected chance to take a week-long watercolor painting workshop. From that point forward she was hooked. Due to the demands of her long career as a Detroit attorney, painting was a hobby for her for years. The watercolors would not have it and refused to be relegated to the status of hobby. Maggie had dreams about colors and shapes and couldnt stop thinking about images to paint. She made lists and sketches of her plans for future paintings. So excited by the process, she would pace while the paint dried. Those moments convinced Maggie that making art would be her lifes work and not just a hobby. She is now transitioning from her day job and defines herself as an artist.'